Some Updates

I’d planned to write a post that would be a retrospective on my job search after signing my contract, but due to developments in the world at large, I don’t really have the heart.

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Expectation as a Random Variable

No joke, this post has been on my to-do list for years. I’d like to finish out 2019 by marking it done. So here we go: how should we consider the “type” of the expectation functional? Is it a random variable or no?

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Opinions Bordering on Advice:
~~~~~Statements for Academic Jobs~~~~~

I was once told that I have an awful lot of opinions for someone who doesn’t know anything. Whatever! Here are some opinions on how to go about preparing academic job application materials, from me, a person who is going through this process now, has not landed any interviews yet, and has no authority to back up said opinions.

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Reflections on My First Workshop Proposal

About two months ago I put together my first workshop proposal. It was a unique experience that I was able to navigate with ease due to unfailing support from my fellow organizers. While I won’t post the actual document here, if you are interested in reading it, shoot me an email so I can confer with my fellow organizers and send a copy over via email.

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